
You need to log on to Lebi Analytics with your username and password

In Dashboard, go to “Report” > Click on “Insert Clipping”

You can now complete the various fields of your clipping.

To make it easier you can ‘drop’ your various clippings linked to the publication in the grey box.

NEW !! You can now directly import your PDF files

Insert clipping (PRINT)

How to encode a media cover (PRINT)?

PDF : If you have uploaded a PDF containing your magazine cover, it will be automatically detected by our AI.

JPEG, PNG, … : If you have imported from image files (JPEG, PNG, …), you must also import the cover of your magazine. It will be automatically detected. You can also select manually.

Use as cover

Did you know that you can change the order of the pages?

Just drag the files in the order you want (see the video)

Change the order of the pages

You need to log on to Lebi Analytics with your username and password

In Dashboard, go to “Report” > Click on “Insert Clipping”

You can now complete the various fields of your clipping.

To make it easier you can ‘drop’ your various clippings linked to the publication in the grey box.

NEW !! You can directly import a URL. Our AI will automatically capture the web page!

Add clipping Web

You need to log on to Lebi Analytics with your username and password

In Dashboard, go to “Report” > Click on “Insert Clipping”

You can now complete the various fields of your clipping.

To make it easier you can ‘drop’ your various clippings linked to the publication in the grey box.

NEW !! You can directly import a URL. Our AI will automatically capture the post!

Add clipping Social

You can request to add media to the platform. This is possible when you encode your clipping. If the media you are looking for cannot be found, the platform will offer to add it. For this, you can follow the procedure shown in the video.

Add media?

Analyzing : You have just encoded a clipping. This is checked by our IA (HD files, ratios, value, reference product, …) This analysis can take up to 48 hours maximum.

Error : Our AI has detected anomalies. The files are not in HD, the URL link to the article / post is not working, or the cover of a magazine is missing. You then received an email indicating which encoding had a problem. It is important to reply to the email corresponding to the problem. If you reply to the email with new files, the processing of the new data can take up to 48 hours maximum.

Analyzing, error or approved

Yes, of course!

You need to log on to Lebi Analytics with your username and password

In Dashboard, go to “Report” > Click on “View clippings & search”.

The latest encodings are displayed at the top (newest to oldest). By default, the last 30 encodings are displayed. You can also do a specific search according to criteria.

Edit clipping

You need to log on to Lebi Analytics with your username and password.

In Dashboard, go to “Report” > Click on “View clippings & search”

The latest encodings are displayed at the top (newest to oldest). By default, the last 30 encodings are displayed. You can also do a specific search according to criteria.

You need to log on to Lebi Analytics with your username and password.

In the Dashboard, you can then either select “View clippings & search” or “Compare”

You can now complete the various criteria of your search or comparison.

Then, when the result is displayed, you can click on the button under “Download file”.

The new version is “multitasking”. This means that when the platform generates your report, you can continue working and request other reports. These are sent by email.

NEW !! You can now export JPEG or PDF files. Everything is classified by country.

Export options

You need to log on to Lebi Analytics with your username and password.

In Dashboard, go to “Report” > Click on “Compare”

You can now complete the various criteria of your comparison. Warning: to carry out a comparison, you must at least select 2 elements to be compared (E.g.: Season 2020 & season 2021 or Belgium & France).


You need to log on to Lebi Analytics with your username and password.

In Dashboard, go to “Report” > Click on “View clippings & search”.

You can now complete the various criteria of your search.

Then, when the result is displayed, you can click on the button under “Download file” > “Create Report Editable” .